New Programmes TODAY!!(4/4/2006/):Last Update

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What new with This Page?

2/04/2006 : I started my new web site "" and gradly want to present you "things" around the world esspecially "THAI".

3/04/2006: Currently I have 6 things(programmes) for you to download! and havefun with downloading.

This is for thai people who want to make their "hotmail" account from 2 mb-25mb to 250!!MB!!!

download here---> Only!! 4KB Free!!

6/04/2006: Win RaR and Win Zip for expanding or compact stuffs and send to friend in easier way and no error!

download here for Win RAR--->
download here for Win Zip --->

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What new with the programmes?

02/04/2006:ZTV(RADIO AND TV)Ztv watching and listen to music(Radio!) By thaiware.This is very recommended for anyone who have 30kbp-40kbp internet speed and this is only 2 mb to Download click the link below.


02/04/2006:Download accererator !! (DAP) this will increase your download speed by 200%--Garentee that novirus infection and FREE-- this programme give you 15days of trail:for more information please visit my webmaster:         


download---> !!!!Under Construction!!!! (I aporogise for this matter!)

02/04/2006:NUDGE MANIA Nudge Mania..whAAA! it's our dream to have nudge the insturction and have fun playing wif your msn.(recommended for msn 7.0 and 7.5 And now is fine for 8.0!!!msn)

download---> 100% Free!

03/04/2006:YAHOO CHATTING Who know about yahoo?..I know that every one know it!! and now i'm presenting a program"yahoo massenger".Alike you can talk on the phone!!excellent quatity to sound and you also can chat on it and it FREE!

download --->

03/04/2006:MUSIC ACCThis is one of the best program ever!--I know that you all want to download free music right? and this programmes not only for download music it also increases the speed! of downloading music by200%(with broadband) and it's Free!

download --->

04/04/2006:ANTIVIR(ANTIVIRUS)One of the Hotest Antivirus program and completely no Viruses or Spyware on your computer i tried before!!-WARNING- you have to uninstall your current viruses protactor first and then install this program because if you won't your computer will Freeze!--if you have that trouble please contact me and i'll contact you back for help  you shortly 

download --->

04/04/2006:MSN 7.5 FINAL RELEASE MSN! 7.5 Final Release!---This is one of the world's best chatting program and i recommend it very much(coz i use it too!)--This is completely FREE!! for you!!

download --->

04/04/2006:SKYPE SKYPE---Online mobiling and it has the best Quality voice call of all programmes and phones--Skype is acting like a phone from one computer to anothers and it's FREE! to call too.

download --->

04/04/2006:FIRE FOX Are you having internet problem? Your internet program isn't good enough?--Here try this!! Fire Fox Internet FREE program.It can do many thing more than"Internet Explorer".You can find the options that suited your self and all you have to do is CLICK on to website and SURF!!!

download --->