~><~><~><~WELCOME~ to THAIDOWNLOAD~><~><~><~

~Thai Index~ ~Links~ ~Dekthai~Coming Soon! ~Wallpaper~ ~Wallpaper2~close ~Wallpaper3~close ~Wallpaper4~close ~Wallpaper5~close ~Wallpaper6~close ~SDownload!~ ~MDownload!~ ---COMMENTING---

----HI~Every One--Every one from Thailand and International----

--Greeting From WebMaster--

             Hi EveryOne who are visiting my website and downloading.Firstly i'll Introduce my self..My name is Titipat Kongklum currently im studying as a High school as a student in Australia and Im from Thailand.If you want to contact me please feel free to email and share your idea with my website that which i should improve or change.And I want to thank you all those are searching my website and it'll be pressure that you can help me to post my website to the public.Thaxx:Golfy:WebMaster

~**This web site DOES NOT contain any stuffs relating to PORNOGRAPHIC, BAD VIOLENT, SWAERING MANNER


I'll Update my site most of week and please comment and comtact me if you have some comment on my site and have fun!-  golf_f16@hotmail.com

---What download avaliable today?---

Click Here to Download Page--->(9 programmes)

 http://thaidownload.50megs.com/whats_new.html Sdownload

Click Here to Music Download Page--->(6"Thai songs" 0"English song")

http://www.thaidownload.50megs.com/custom2.html Mdownload

Click Here to Gallery Download Page--->(only Wall1)

http://www.thaidownload.50megs.com/photo.html Wallpaper

Or You can choose the menu from <---- side

English - Thai Dictionary Online

Visit English - Thai Dictionary Online


----Listing Of DOWNLOADS Updating----


For my starting off for my website. I present you "Thai Radio and television TV program 2/04/2006--Download in "download"

2/04/2006--i uploaded a Programme call "Download accererator" but wasn't succeed please wait--It's underconsturction!!

4/04/2006--Now! I got HEAPS!! of  stuffs uploading (unfortunately im not going to say it here! because it will get too long!).I did upload my music to you now currently "6 Thai music and 0 English music".However in the future i'll upload my music more and get you all you to download them!.I uploaded some of my gallery(wallpaper) of some Japanese nice model girl and they are not in the full version if you want full version of them please contact me at golf_f16@hotmail.com ENJOY!

--Supporting my web site--

www.dookdui.com ---Web for u

www.thaiware.com --- Thai downloading website

www.zabzaa.com --- Many stuffs to see!


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4 5 6 *
1 2 3 -
0 +/- . +

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Everyone that visiting my website Please Sign my Guest Book and Comment my website and it'll be present if you leave your email too.!

http://www.a-free-guestbook.com/guestbook.php?username=golfygolf <--my guess book!